Interactive Demo
Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks for Red Hat
Solutions| 24 hrs

Dell Telecom Infrastructure blocks for Red Hat (DTIBRH) provides a fully validated, automated, and factory-integrated Engineered Telco Cloud Infrastructure solution for deploying 5G Core Network Functions.

It consists of Dell Bare Metal Orchestrator management software, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, Red Hat Open Shift, Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation and Red Hat Operating Systems running on validated hardware and features Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks. Telecom Infrastructure Blocks are foundational building blocks that include all the hardware, software and licenses needed to support a defined use case across a range of scale points. They are engineered systems that are factory-integrated and ship with Red Hat Enterprise Linux pre-installed to streamline design, procurement and deployment processes. And they are backed with one call support from Dell Technologies for the full hardware and software stack.

This Interactive demo walks you through the deployment of a full Telco Cloud Stack using zero touch provisioning. We will deploy the Management Cluster, Workload Cluster. Also, we will Day 2 operation i.e., the Scale out of Workload Cluster. Lastly, we will do the deletion of workload cluster.

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Author: Anjali Bhatia